libpthread compatibility problem with Firebird 2.5

We’ve identified an issue where the latest libpthread library versions are not compatible with Firebird 2.5 (including the latest available release of vanilla version and HQbird 2.5 till the version

This incompatibility may cause Firebird 2.5 to crash during certain operations on newer Linux distributions. The error occurs frequently in architectures SuperServer and SuperClassic, and less frequently, in Classic.

Immediate Action Required:
To prevent any impact on Firebird 2.5, please follow the guidance provided below.

Assessing Your System:
Determining which Linux distributions are impacted is dificult since libpthread updates can be applied to older operating system versions, potentially introducing the issue to Firebird. It means that any update of OS can bring the problem to your system, even if you are running old version. It means that you need to test your instance of OS.

Testing for Compatibility:
We’ve developed a command-line application to test whether libpthread is compatible with Firebird 2.5.

Download Instructions:
•  The binary for the test application can be downloaded from the following link:
•  The source code for the test application is also available at this link:

Execution Guide:
Execute the test application in your terminal as outlined in the instructions below to perform the compatibility check.

For the Operating System with old libptread (i.e., it is compatible with 2.5)  

chmod +x pthr-tst
# ./pthr-tst 
Set signals
Sigenv works 

For the Operating System with new libptread (i.e., not compatible with 2.5):

# ./pthr-tst
Set signals
Segmentation fault

What to do next in short-term

For Firebird 2.5 vanilla users:
If you have made the test and found that libpthread is not compatible with Firebird 2.5, change the architecture to Classic (make sure to do not confuse the configuration!), and then plan to reinstall your Linux Operating System to the old version with compatible libpthread, which does not have this problem – as soon as possible.

If you have made the test and did not encounter the problem with libpthread, there is no direct danger at the moment. Make this test after each OS update.

Please note that Firebird 2.5 is discontinued version, and Firebird Project will not release fix for vanilla version of 2.5.

For user of commercial versions
Contact your vendor to receive a fix.

What to do next in long-term? Upgrade!

Take this as a final notice that you need to upgrade to Firebird 5.0. The version 2.5 was good and stable, but it originates from 2010, the majority of products released in that year already retired.

There are enough material to perform upgrade in the smooth and easy way, see for details Practical Migration Guide to Firebird 5.


Please feel free to ask any questions:

Original article:

New version of RedExpert 2020.10 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2020.10 has been released.


  • A value of a variable is not lost when editing a procedure.
  • Object names are quoted only when necessary.
  • Removed redundancy in variable declarations.
  • Generation of a random date (There was an error that the minimum is greater than the maximum).
  • Comments to variables are not lost when editing a procedure.
  • Roles which were not created by a user have been moved under the system roles branch.
  • Few first characters in the cell are displayed instead of ‘CLOB DATA’.
  • Removed the unreasonable occurrence of the error about the loss of connection with the server.
  • Fixed generation of table DDL statement.
  • Fixed generation of procedure DDL statement.
  • Fixed generation of trigger DDL statement.
  • Fixed display of table constraints.
  • Fixed display of release notes in the application.


  • Added the ability to use autoddl when executing a script.
  • Added the ability to manage update rule and delete rule for foreign keys.
  • Added the ability to use autocomplete without hotkeys.
  • Added the ability to delete user settings when uninstalling the application.
  • Added the ability to work with collates of character sets in datatypes.

Download and install the new version.

New version of RedExpert 2020.08 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2020.08 has been released.

The main changes:

  • the launch of the program and the search for Java have been completely redesigned. Now if Java is not found, it is suggested to specify the path manually or download Java automatically;
  • fixed display of system objects (generators, domains and functions that are not defined by the user are not displayed in the main nodes);
  • fixed execution of the script containing “execute block”;
  • fixed editing procedure with declare variables block;
  • removed the type of object while copying the name;
  • fixed display of tables if “RDB $ RELATION_TYPE IS NULL”;
  • fixed bugs with autoincrement while creating and editing tables;
  • other minor fixes.

Download and install the new version.

Firebird package updated in Debian :

This version will make the build reproducible.

The reproducible builds initiative aims to enable anyone to reproduce bit by bit identical binary packages from a given source, thus enabling anyone to independently verify that a binary matches the source code from which it was said it was derived. For example, this allow the users of Debian to rebuild packages and obtain exactly identical packages to the ones provided by the Debian repositories.

Prune tool sets the creation stamp in the database header to a fixed value (taken from the last changelog stanza) and
prunes unused space on index/data pages of shipped databases

Firebird 2.5.3 from EPEL 7 stable repository

EPEL 7 left the beta stage so you can install Firebird 2.5.3 packages for Centos/RHEL 7 from stable repository

sudo yum install

yum –enablerepo=epel install firebird-superclassic

and since EPEL 7 use Systemd, you can use Systemd to enable the service
and stop or start it
read the README provided :

you also have classic and superserver

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What is new in v6.0.1 and what is AnyDAC ?

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