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New version of Red Expert 2024.07 is available.


  1. Application interface
    • Default themes (light and dark)
    • Application toolbar
    • Application menu
    • Query Editor toolbar
    • Query Editor popup menu
    • Connections tree
    • Settings menu
    • About panel
    • Procedures, Functions and Jobs editing panel
    • Changelog panel (release notes panel)
    • Drivers panel
    • Feedback panel
  2. ER-diagram tools
    • Color differentiation of tables in the ERD editor
    • Reverse engineering
    • Text blocks with ability to set background color
    • Undo/Redo operation
    • Added display of unique fields status (UQ)
    • Display table and field comments
    • Deleting tables can now be done with DELETE key 
    • Ability to stretch the size of tables with the mouse
    • Ability to switch between color and B&W lines 
    • Ability to select several tables and move them at the same time
    • Fixed scrolling by mouse wheel (SHIFT + wheel scrolling = horizontal scrolling)
    • Sorting by tables relationships
    • Ability to select the type of lines
  3. The execute button in the query editor can now:
    • Execute only the selected script
    • Execute everything if nothing is selected


  1. Ability to display column folders, constraints, indexes and triggers for tables in the connections tree
  2. Panel with basic information about connections
  3. Ability to create a bug report when an error occurs
  4. Ability to customize the Query Editor toolbar


  1. Switching between “Database Statistics” tabs
  2. Component layout on the column type selection panel
  3. Displaying domain fields


  1. “Scratch pad” tool
  2. “Compare Data Types” tool
  3. “Execute Stored Objects” tool
  4. Ability to add custom SQL keywords

Download and install the new version.


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New version of RedExpert 2024.01 is available.


  • Support of work with database statistics:
    • Obtaining database statistics via services
    • Parsing DB statistics from a file
    • DB statistics comparing
  • Data import support from XLSX and XML files
  • Export/import of data with BLOB type
  • Ability to select columns when exporting data
  • Ability to transfer data from one database to another
  • Database metadata extracting into SQL-script
  • SQL-queries executing to a file directly
  • Transaction parameters support in the Query Editor
  • Query execution in several connections simultaneously
  • Transaction confirmation window when closing the Query Editor and the “Data” tab of tables and views
  • Displaying connection and database properties (such as server, page size, database file size, etc.)
  • Ability to copy column names from a Result Set
  • “Triggers” tab for views
  • Ability to configure database connection timeout
  • Updated data import and export panels


  • Display tables with “NONE” encoding
  • Recognizing VARCHAR and CHAR types other than undefined subtype and with fixed binary data
  • Reloading of views after making changes
  • Auto-completion: by occurrence, not by string start
  • UDF opening errors
  • Editing foreign keys
  • Copying connection with encoding
  • Editing data in columns with names containing spaces
  • Disappearance of the edited procedure text on the “DDL” tab when switching tabs
  • Searching for database objects in the connection tree with names containing ‘$’
  • GUI defects when double-clicking on a table name in the Query Editor
  • Limitations on the number of characters and maximum value when editing field value with INT128 type
  • SQL code generation for external UDR functions, indexes and constraints
  • Table Validation with a large number of fields and indexes
  • Profiler buttons availability when switching between application tabs
  • Display PUBLIC role in the “Users” group in the Grant Manager
  • Focus shift when changing a filter field in the Grant Manager
  • Updating the list of triggers for tables and views when adding a new trigger
  • Updating the list of table fields when they are changed

Download and install the new version.

RedExpert 2023.10.1 has been released

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New version of RedExpert 2023.10.1 is available.


  1. “Properties” tab on the database table editing panel.
  2. Configuring SQL templates from the Menu -> Tools.
  3. Checkbox “Automatic text wrapping” in the text browser of data with the BLOB type.
  4. Ability to specify a relative path to the log file in the settings.
  5. View blobs of PDF type.
  6. Autocomplete when editing table triggers for <new.> and <old.>.
  7. Ability to change column position.
  8. Ability to (not)check changes in column positions during DB comparison.
  9. Changing a cursor in the Query Editor while holding down the CTRL button when hovering over an object that can be opened.
  10. Restart the application only after saving several settings
  11. Target and source database exchange button on the comparison panel.


  1. ODBC driver support has been terminated.
  2. Recreation a role when adding a comment  for it.
  3. Errors of editing table foreign keys.
  4. Inability to add a comment to the index through the editing window.
  5. Adding extra versions of Red Expert to the list of Windows applications when installing a new version of the application over the old one.
  6. Action taken when clicking the Select Displayed Dataset Columns button when the Results Pane is closed.
  7. Selecting  table rows to be deleted after closing the “Data” tab and canceling the deletion.
  8. An error when the “Close all tabs” button did not close all tabs.
  9. Incorrect error handling during update.
  10. Syntax highlighting for multi-line identifiers.
  11. Application crash if user settings are broken.
  12. DDL generation for ARRAY, NUMERIC and DECIMAL columns.
  13. Improved autocomplete support for Firebird aliases and keywords.
  14. Working with tables with name length more than31
  15. Updated links for automatic Java downloads.
  16. Unreasonable memory consumption.
  17. Incorrect display of the red_expert.ico file.
  18. Functioning of such application settings as:
    1. highlighting the current line;
    2. number of saved log files;
    3. selected text color;
    4. alternative editor background;
    5. editor font color;
    6. alternative highlight color.

Download and install the new version.

RedExpert 2023.08 has been released

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New version of RedExpert 2023.08 is available.


  1. Online table validation.
  2. Different date-time templates for fields with DATE, TIME and TIMESTAMP types.
  3. Line wrapping mode in the Query Editor.
  4. Support of the PSQL-profiler.
  5. Tree view display with a panel of differences for each object as a DB comparer result.
  6. New Foreign Key selection panel on the “Data” tab when working with DB tables.
  7. Resetting color to default by RMB click in the color settings.
  8. Ability to filter columns by their names in the “Result Column Visibility” window for a Result Set.
  9. Audit analysis.
  10. Auto-complete for packages (procedures and functions are suggested after a dot).
  11. Date display in the application log.
  12. Writing trace to file without parsing in the application.
  13. Navigation of tabs with a mouse wheel.
  14. Ability to enable or disable parsing of variable declarations in Procedures and Functions.
  15. Recalculation index statistics from the corresponding tab of the table.


  1. Inability to add a comment for a table field when editing it.
  2. An error due to which the content of the “SQL” tab during table creation was not updated when changing the “Comment” tab content.
  3. Option “Show Grid” in the “Links” tab when working with a DB table.
  4. Displaying the username in the “Select Result” tab when editing a user is confirmed.
  5. Generation of the SQL scripts for packages, views, tables and jobs.
  6. “Description” tabs renamed to “Comment”.
  7. Incorrect application of theme and style for the Query Editor.
  8. Wrong SQL script formatting in the Query Editor.
  9. NPE when navigating through folders in the connection tree.
  10. An error due to which the fields and constraints of the DB table disappeared when changing its comment.
  11. Defects when moving multiple connections to a folder in the connection tree.
  12. Error getting tablespaces and jobs from the Firebird connection during DB comparison.
  13. Error editing cell in the Result Set.
  14. An error due to which when installing an application with root, it was not added to the application menu.
  15. Adding a post-install application shortcut for all users that could not be removed.
  16. Errors while updating the application. Updates are now downloaded and unpacked into the temporary folder, and only one copy of the application must be open to run the update.
  17. Error opening Trace Manager, if there are non-standard drivers.
  18. Error saving ER-diagrams.
  19. Displaying scale for NUMERIC type.
  20. Sorting of visible columns of Trace Manager.
  21. Errors working with column names starting with a space.
  22. Failure to insert a password when creating a user.
  23. Search in the object tree (by string occurrence).
  24. Incorrect authentication error detection.
  25. Failure to copy name when editing an object.
  26. Generating DDL functions containing cursors.
  27. Adjusting width of the Result Set columns by content.
  28. Editing Primary Key fields by multiple fields.
  29. Disabled the ability to use ARRAY data type.
  30. Localized: Driver Selection Panel; Color Selection Panel; File Selection/Saving Panel; labels, hints and context menus in the Query Editor; Password View Panel; Connection Details Panel; Notepad Panel; ER-diagram Editor.

Download and install the new version.

RedExpert 2023.01 has been release

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New version of RedExpert 2023.01 is available.


  1. Recompilation all triggers, procedures, functions and packages
  2. Association of *.fdb files with RedExpert
  3. Recalculation of index selectivity
  4. Support for external triggers
  5. SQL SECURITY support for procedures, functions and triggers
  6. “Switch data display” button and key combination [ALT + NUM_ADD] in data tab
  7. Exit confirmation dialog
  8. Specifies explicitly how a table field is sorted (COLLATE) when creating a table
  9. “DDL to create” tab in “Edit constraint” panel
  10. Ability to view password during user creation and authorization at
  11. Ability to replace “\n” with another symbol when exporting to file with separators
  12. Ability to work with functions and packages in privilege manager
  13. Support for triggers on views


  1. Trace recognition
  2. Parsing SQL script with queries that have complex nested constructions
  3. Incorrect default value generation for procedures and functions
  4. Impossibility to create a new connection through the menu in the Russian localization
  5. Generating of primary keys when creating a table, if their names must be escaped
  6. Quotation mark when exporting into CSV
  7. Error when interacting with table constraints that have invalid default names
  8. Error when generating SQL script for adding table constraints when only one constraint was inserted into script instead of multiple ones
  9. Red Expert hangs after a data access error in the “Data” tab of the “Table” menu.
  10. Adding comments to database elements like “User” or “Domain” while editing them
  11. Generating SQL script when adding a new column to a table
  12. Export to a spreadsheet. Now export to Excel 2007 is possible
  13. Automatic generation of table name on creation
  14. Updating auto-complete cache after metadata changes
  15. Incorrect displaying of procedure parameter sizes
  16. Script execution error output if there is no connection
  17. Executing non selective procedures in the query editor
  18. Wrong message about authentication error
  19. Invalid connection status in the toolbar
  20. Loading data in a table when moving the cursor to the last table row
  21. Updated keyword list for syntax highlighting
  22. Creating a database with default charset
  23. Flickering interface in privilege manager
  24. Invalid representation of “DATE” type when exporting to SQL
  25. Undo/redo (Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y) in the query editor
  26. Nonoptimal space usage by result set in query editor
  27. Application hangs when opening objects

Download and install the new version.

RedExpert 2022.09 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2022.09 is available.


  1. Ability to save columns order and width in trace manager
  2. Field with performance counters in Trace Manager
  3. Export tables of Trace Manager
  4. Import data from a text file with separator
  5. Export data to SQL script
  6. Ability to change activity for several triggers and indexes in the object tree
  7. External tables support
  8. Support for external procedures and functions
  9. Support for comments on tables, procedures, functions and views
  10. English version of the release notes


  1. Quoting of table names when generating INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE queries
  2. Slow loading of tables
  3. Incorrect recognition of default value for procedure parameters if ‘=’ is used
  4. Table column comment formatting in DDL query
  5. Rollback transaction on closing request dialog
  6. Error in generating date and time values in the test data generator
  7. Wrong message about successful creation of external procedures and functions in request editor
  8. Incorrect generation of “create generator” query
  9. Errors of trace parsing
  10. Autocomplete columns to alias escaped table

Download and install the new version.

RedDatabase 3.0.9 release

New version of RedDatabase 3.0.9 has been released.

The most significant changes are:


  • A “verbose” option has been added to the replication configuration to log detailed information about asynchronous replication operation. RS-70819.
  • LDAP error diagnostics have been improved.
  • The stability of gfix is improved. RS-71591.


  • DefaultDbCachePages default value increased to 1024 for Classic/SuperClassic and to 32768 for Super RS-69307
  • Now you do not have to specify option -B O[VERWRITE] in gbak when backing up to FIFO RS-43334
  • Temporary tables file is now deleted immediately after closing connections which used temporary tables RS-67781
  • Maximum length of ISQL error text increased to 8192 characters. RS-71232.
  • Default length of context variables is increased to 8192 characters. RS-71426.


  • Ability to connect to ActiveDirectory with an “as is” user name (bind method) without using a service account (LDAPUserDn). RS-71303.
  • New LDAPDomain parameter in firebird.conf that allows setting the domain for user authentication in ActiveDirectory and the base for user lookups. RS-71303.
  • GSTAT outputs the transaction difference, which determines whether garbage collection is needed RS-56624
  • “rotate_log” parameter in trace to rotate log when it reaches “max_log_size” RS-66090
  • Support for locking users in Legacy Authentication RS-67826 Note: security database update from previous versions 3.0 with security_database_3.0.9.sql script
  • Ability to change COLLATE for “ALTER TABLE <table> ALTER <column> COLLATE <collate>” field RS-67405
  • Different connections can now use different temporary table files to reduce their sprawl (SeparateTempTableFiles parameter in firebird.conf) RS-67781

FBJava has been updated to 1.1.18:

  • ASM library required for indexing files stored in BLOBs has been added to the distribution. RS-82611.
  • Jaybird driver updated to version 3.0.31. RS-74811.
  • Unused jna-platform-4.5.0.jar and xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar libraries were removed from the distribution. RS-74811.
  • Fixed passing an exception to the client when initializing the JVM
  • Debug symbols for FBJava have been added to the distribution. RS-71111.
  • Blank lines are not printed to stdout and stderr when it’s disabled by “disable_output” option RS-66433
  • The existence of configuration file is checked before reading options RS-67445
  • Remove libraries not used by plugin RS-68297

See full list of changes on the download pages:

Open edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9

Standard edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9

Enterprise edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9

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