HardSoft TV presented in program #275 an interview with me (Carlos H. Cantu) recorded during the 3º Firebird Developers Day. You can watch it online now (audio is in portuguese). In the next programs (released every 2 weeks), there will be other interviews with other FDD speakers.

1st Russian Firebird Conference

Dear Friends,

IBase, Inc is glad to announce The 1st Russian Firebird Conference. It will take place in Moscow, Russia, October 14, 2006.
Firebird Core developers, vendors of many related products and well-known enthusiasts will be there to present the most recent news and plans regarding Firebird 2, new versions of developers products and so on.

Check-in to conference (in Russian):

If you have any questions regarding participation or sponsorship please feel free to email conf@ibase.ru.

With best regards,
Alexey Kovyazin

open source database conference 2006

The conference will be held again, same time same place. So mark your calendar November 6th-8th opendbcon 2006 in Frankfurt germany.

The call for papers is still going on. So submit your topics ASAP. The plan is to have a wide range of topics that appeals to managers, developers/DBA’s as well as hackers on the various projects. I am also hoping that there will be a large panel discussion.

Read more on Poo-Tee-Weet blog

FDD – a real success!

In the last saturday (29/July), around 600 Brazilians participated in the Firebird Developers Day conference (third edition). This year we had the presence of Holger Klemt (IBExpert) and Alexey Kovyazin (IBSurgeon) as international speakers, as well other great names of the Brazilian Firebird community. Unfortunatelly, Ann Harrison was not able to be here, but we hope to see her in the next year. A report with photos will be online in a few days.

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