Firebird 1.5.3 debian packages are available for testing

I’ve done preparing Firebird 1.5.3 packages.

deb[-src] sid main

All feedback is warmly welcome. If no problems are found, I’ll proceed with
upload to the archive.

Ah, also there you can find packages for flamerobin.

Damyan Ivanov
All you need to do is to add the above repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and then apt-get update ; apt-cache search firebird
then install what you need (classic or super server)

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ANN: CopyCat Replication Suite version 1.03.0

Microtec is pleased to announce a new version of CopyCat, our Delphi /
C++Builder component set for database replication.

CopyCat can be used for integrating replication functionality into your
applications, or for making your own customized replicators, enabling
off-site database work, asynchronous work over slow connections,
automatic live backup, etc.

For information about CopyCat, see here

Changes in version 1.03.0:

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OSS databases making inroads – Blog of the day

Here is a good link in businessweek on how OSS databases are horning in on
the database market.

I personally think that the majority of database users can do there work
with either Postgrsql, MySql or others like the Borland interbase now know
as Firebird or even Computer Associates Ingres which was recently made
opensource. Really do most company really need all those extra features or
are they just selling feature like Picture in picture was on your new TV
which you never use now. ;)

Here is the link for you to check out:
Best regards,
Richard Houston

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Open Source vs. the Database Vendors – on slashdot

“BusinessWeek has another spread on open source this week. Among them is an article about open source vs. the database vendors which focused on how businesses are looking to save money with open source (rather than using the source to innovate). From the article:
“The databases work fine, but as data volume grows, so do the checks to Oracle, IBM, or Microsoft. Many users aren’t clamoring for more features, and some don’t even use the bells and whistles they already paid for. They would happily trade some to get their hands on the source code and a better deal.”
Original source for news

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Interesting Project Metrics

I’ve been wonder for some about about metrics to evaluate the relative architectural cleanliness of various database implementations. To that end, I wrote a simple program that eat Visual Studio 7 projects files and analyzes the source files. Here are the results:

Nfs Engine Vulcan Firebird 2 MySQL Server
Total Modules 429 633 232 123
Total Lines 63432 227814 126274 214356
Code Modules 206 218 70 99
Header Modules 221 394 162 15
Preprocessed Modules 0 16 0 0
Other Modules 2 5 0 9
Number Functions 2839 4706 1633 4960
Average Arguments 5.00 8.65 13.08 7.58
Average FunctionLines 14.86 32.46 55.95 31.70
Average Code Lines 11.80 21.20 37.12 26.90
Average Internal Comments 0.94 6.10 11.92 2.59
Average Internal WhiteSpace 2.12 5.16 6.92 2.21


The analysis program doesn’t try to follow conditional compilation, so everything is included whether active or not.

The Netfrastructure engine is roughly equivalent in functionality to Firebird. The Netfrastructure numbers, however, are for the database engine only, excluding the Java Virtual Machine and template engine. Since the trigger and procedure language in Netfrastructure are Java, this isn’t a strict apples to apples comparison. On the other hand,the Netfrastructure engine includes the remote server, which Vulcan does not.

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Newly free databases validate open source pioneers

This article on NewsForge doesn’t mention Firebird, but it shows some interesting positions from MySQL and PostgreSQL guys about the new “Free” versions of traditional comercial databases, like Oracle, DB2, etc.

Another interesting article shows that VMWare have cut the price of its server version to zero. This may turn the life of developers easier, since they can install many diferent O.S. in the same machine, to test their products.

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Firebird mentioned in “Semanário Econômico” article

“Semanário Económico” – the best Economic Newsweek in Portugal – gives a special mention to Akropole, a software dedicated to Schools. Akropole runs on Firebird, and it’s clearly mentioned. A full copy of the article (portuguese only) is available here.

PS: On the same article (if you know portuguese and dig it a little), you will notice that the Most Productive ( profits / number of employees) company in Portugal in 2004 works with an ERP system… powered by Firebird! 🙂

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