DBMoto replication tool
“DBMoto performs refresh and real-time data replication for your enterprise server and desktop replication needs. All major database platforms such as IBM DB2 UDB (including iSeries/AS400 and zOS), Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase ASE, SQL Anywhere, MySQL, Informix, Ingres, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, Gupta SQLBase, Firebird and Solid are supported.“
More information here.
New Poll system in FirebirdNews!
A new Poll system is currently available in FirebirdNews! From time to time, we will publish interesting polls so you can vote and let us gather information about the actual usage of Firebird.
The poll is at the sidebar. Vote now!
Database Workbench 2.8.1 released
Upscene Productions is proud to release Database Workbench 2.8.1, a new version of our popular database development tool.
You can download a trial here or view what’s new in 2.8.0 and 2.8.1
Database Workbench supports:
- Borland InterBase ( 4.x – 7.x )
- Firebird ( 1.x, 2.0 )
- MS SQL Server/MSDE ( v6.5, 7, 2000, 2005, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
- MySQL 4, 4.1, 5.0
- Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g )
Firebird 2 beta 2 released
The Firebird Project has released the second Firebird 2.0 beta. Over the weekend, kits for Win32, Linux x86 (including NPTL builds for Superserver) and Linux x64 are being released for testing. Mirrors are slowly filling up; slower downloads from the pre-release area are also available temporarily but please try the main (mirror) links first.
You can download it here.
Thanks for Jiri Cincura for leting us know about this.
Firebird and FireBase in “Anuario InfoCorporate 2006”
Firebird and FireBase (Brazilian Firebird dedicated portal) is mentioned in the Database section of the 2006 edition of “Anuário InfoCorporate“. Some months ago, a journalist from InfoCorporate called me by phone and made a small interview about Open Source databases and Firebird to be used in the publication.
The publication is a major source of indexed information to make the work of finding the best services/consulting providers of a specific area easier.
An excerpt of the article be be viewed below (portuguese only):
Firebird Powered Web Forum dnfBB
dnfBB is a n-Tier, fast and lightweight .Net-powered discussion board written in C#. With native support for multiple forums within the same database structure. Initially designed to work with Firebird and MySQL, support for other databases is planned.
Announce of IBUndelete tool and undelete services
Dear All,
We are proud to present our new tool and service to undelete records in InterBase and Firebird databases.
IBUndelete is the only tool which can undelete occasionally deleted records in InterBase or Firebird databases. It uses IBSurgeon core engine for direct work with data inside database.
For sophisticated undelete we offer our service for very affordable price (as usual).
Please download IBUndelete trial version with checking abilities from this location: www.ibsurgeon.com/download/ibundeletetrial.exe.
Site is www.ibundelete.com
If you don’t find records available for undelete but believe they should be there please contact us: support@ib-aid.com.
Sincerely yours,
Alexey Kovyazin
Status of the Firebird Tutorial for .NET
At the beginning of January I posted a Request for Ideas: Firebird in .NET Tutorial. First of all, thanks to all who contributed their ideas.
I’m currently working hard on the tutorial. The original idea was to write just a quick introduction but it seems there is a lot to tell… The weakest point of Firebird seems to be the lack of freely available documentation – so I decided to invest a little bit more time in the tutorial.
Sequoia 2.6: A Transparent Middleware Solution with firebird support
Sequoia is a transparent middleware solution for clustering, load balancing and failover services for any database. The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and Sequonia balances the queries among nodes. It is also known to handle node failures and support for checkpointing and hot recovery. It was formerly known as the clustered JDBC project and provides high availability and performance scalability for databases.
More about it on jax magazine