Brazilian Firebird Developers Day site is now online

The 16th Firebird Developers Day will be held on August 3, 2019, in Piracicaba – SP – Brazil. This is the biggest Firebird conference in the world, in terms of number of attendees. If you speak Portuguese, take a look at the conference site and register!

O 16º Firebird Developers Day acontecerá no dia 3 de Agosto de 2019, em Piracicaba – SP. Essa é a maior conferência sobre bancos de dados Firebird, em número de participantes. Visite o site do evento para ter todas as informações e fazer sua inscrição!

Firebird International Conference 2019

It seems that the FirebirdSQL site got updated with information regarding the next Firebird International Conference. This time, the conference will be held in Berlin – October, 17-19.

This year the Firebird Conference will be focused on Firebird 4 and will also include a series of workshops: extended presentations and practical exercises. We want to make it more educational, more practical, and less theoretical.

Complete information, including prices and early bird registration can be found at

Last week to register for the 15th FDD

[This is mostly for Brazilians]

The online subscriptions for the Brazilian’s 15th Firebird Developers Day conference will end on Friday, August 10. The attendees of the conference will be able to buy several tools and components with exclusive discounts from our sponsors and supporters: IBSurgeon, FastReports, uniGUI, TeeChart, IBObjects, IBExpert, Woll2Woll, ACBr and Gnostice.

Visit the conference site to check all the information and register for the conference.

15th Firebird Developers Day

Only for Brazilians:

O 15º FDD acontecerá em Piracicaba – SP, no dia 18 de Agosto de 2018, e contará com a presença mais do que especial de Vlad Khorsun, um dos principais core developers do Firebird! Vlad é responsável pela implementação de alguns dos recursos mais interessantes e úteis do Firebird, como Execute Block, Global Temporary Tables, CTe – Common Table Expressions, além de aperfeiçoamentos no nBackup, execute statement, etc. Alexey Kovyazin, especialista em recuperação e otimização de bases de dados, estará mais uma vez presente além, é claro, de vários nomes da comunidade brasileira. A grade de palestras ainda não está completa, mas já é nítido que o assunto performance terá um grande foco nessa edição. Inscreva-se agora, garanta sua vaga e pague menos!

15º Firebird Developers Day

What do you think about coming to the Firebird Developers Day?

The Firebird Developers Day is an annual Firebird conference that happens in Brazil. So far, it was mainly a Portuguese speakers conference, but this year, when FDD completes its 15th birthday, we are checking the possibility to receive international attendees too. The conference date is August, 18 2018.

The first thing we need to do is to figure out if people outside Brazil has interest to participate in FDD. So, if you live outside Brazil, and would like to come to the 15th Firebird Developers Day, answer this 3 questions survey and let us know!


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