Win32 Classic and keepalive packets

From Dmitry Yemanov:

It has been discovered recently (thanks to Eugene Kilin) that Win32 builds of Classic Server did not set up some socket options properly, including SO_KEEPALIVE. So if you have troubles with “zombie” processes not terminating after the keepalive internal, this is the reason. The patch has been committed into HEAD today and it will be available in the v2.0 RC2 release.

Also, Windows builds (both SuperServer and Classic) are now in sync with the POSIX ones and also have the Nagle algorithm disabled by default. If you want to change this behaviour, set the config option TcpNoNagle to zero.

RC1 is out. What’s next?

From Dmitry Yemanov:

RC1 has just been released. There will definitely be RC2 as well, as we have to complete the documentation and solve some minor installation issues. Also, there were a few regressions fixed in the meantime.

knoda 0.8.1-test3 released

Knoda is a KDE database-frontend for DBase, Firebird, MSAccess, MySQL, Paradox, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and ODBC.Besides tables, views, and queries, it also handles forms

Release focus: Major feature enhancements

Data Application Block for Firebird SQL (The Code Project)

The Firebird SQL data application block is intended to speed up development, and it should be used in conjunction with data layer classes in much the same way as Microsoft’s data block. The sample included with this article uses the embedded Firebird SQL database (included in sample) to demonstrate the use of the application block without having to bother setting up a database.

IBPP/Flamerobin license hopefully solved

The IBPP License 1.0 had problems with Debian. Looking at however I see a different license.

To me it looks like Expat, with the following changes:

Firebird COBOL users united

Stephen Boyd asked:

“Before you all go eeeewwww yuck who still uses COBOL, the answer is
lots of us. My immediate goal is to try to find out if there are many
Interbase / Firebird users who still use COBOL like we do.
[ED: you can read the full thread on Firebird-General mailing list] – new site , new license , new version

The site has, again, changed.
Change of software (DokuWiki instead of MediaWiki) and change of hosting servers.

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