Firebird speed RUBY vs DELPHI vs .NET


I did some comparitions selecting 1000, 10000 and 100000 with Ruby Fb gem, Delphi Fibplus and the FB .NET driver, here is the result:

1000 0.12 0.47 0.09
10000 0.94 0.48 0.53
100000 10.95 3.79 5.53

The results are on milliseconds, the table is from a production database with 40 fields and about 3 million records, as you can see, native code is still the king, .NET result are quite good, but Ruby is quite dissapointing handling lots of data.

FBClone version 2.1.4 is released (bugfix release)

FBClone v2.1.4 is released .This is a “bugfix release” (field “XxX” not found when used against case sensitive databases.)

FBClone can clone a Firebird database in one shot (instead of backup/restore cycle) and pump data from one database to another with the same structure, it handles metadata / data charset conversion and may be useful to ease database owner change process or to migrate a database between two different firebird versions (eg. 2.1 -> 1.5)

The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.1 And FreeBSD 9

Here is the guide on installing Firebird 2.5.1 from FreeBSD 9 Ports and
creating your first test database; also we show you how to install
FlamerobinĀ GUIĀ (administration tool) and the PHP driver for it. This was tested on fresh FreeBSD 9 on a kvm-linux virtual machine.

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