Master Maths migrated to Lazarus/Firebird

I contract at Master Maths in South Africa. Master Maths entrusted Lazarus with its 3rd incarnation of its flagship product. After a few weeks of testing and prototyping different languages and development environments, we opted for Free Pascal and Lazarus. We are rewriting the flagship product using Lazarus with the Firebird DB as backend (via the FBLib components) driven by the tiOPF2 framework. The new version of the product will run under Linux and Window.

– Graeme –

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TurboCASH on Lazarus/Firebird “proof of concept”

Developers from turboCASH are asking for Lazarus programers (people that program using Lazarus IDE) to set up a small test application to prove that Lazarus can be IDE of choice to port turboCASH to Linux.

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Business factors in OSS database companies

Andrew Hudson has a review of open source database companies over on OSNews. "IBPhoenix employs 6 people, grossed $50k its first year, and has nearly doubled revenue each year since. Beach formed InterBase Software to commercialize the existing and mature code base that Borland had taken open source after several years of closed source development. Borland continues to sell InterBase as a closed source product. InterBase is a relatively small company but it is profitable, it has a solid international presence, and it is growing rapidly."

Read more here

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SQL Manager 2005 for InterBase/Firebird ver. 4.1 released!

EMS Software Development Company has released the new version of SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird, a powerful tool for InterBase and Firebird administration and development.

SQL Manager 2005 is compatible with any Firebird version up to 2.0 and InterBase version up to 7.5, supports all of the latest features and offers plenty of powerful tools for experienced users to satisfy all their needs.

In the newest program version the ability to register multiple local servers has been added. Also a lot of improvements and bugfixes have been made.

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MySQL to Fight Oracle With Fire(bird)?

“I’m very happy that Jim, Ann and Taneli have joined MySQL AB,” said Michael “Monty” Widenius, the company’s co-founder, in a statement.

“There is plenty of work to go around, and with their combined experience, they can help us deliver on all the plans that we haven’t had time to pursue yet — and also supply us with lots of fresh new ideas.”

Read the full article here.

My note: The article says that Jim is involved with Firebird since 2000. This is not true. Jim got involved with Firebird only when IBPhoenix hired him to develop Vulcan.

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Exclusive interview with Ann Harrison

Here is a recent interview I did with Ann, by email. I hope this can clarify a bit more the recent moves regarding Ann, Jim, Firebird and MySQL.

FBNews: In Jim’s recent announcementmessage, he says that you will be working for MySQL AB too. Are you officially employed at MySQL AB? If so, what is your currently role there?

Ann: Yes, I’m working half time for MySQL as a senior architect. In other words, I critique designs and try to make the system fit together smoothly.

FBNews: As you are one of IBPhoenix owners, how do you plan to handle working for two databases that are, in some way, competitors? Are you considering leaving IBPhoenix?

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