Oracle users keen on open source databases (firebird included)

Oracle users are keen supporters of open source software with as many as 60% of Oracle enterprise database sites including open source operating systems. This is accroding to a recent study, Open Source in the Stack, conducted by the Independnet Oracle Users Group (IOUG).

The survey of IOUG members conducted in June 2006 also found that as many as 37% of Oracle users were also running one of the popular open source databases alongside their Oracle implementations. [Firebird percentage is 2% in that report]

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New high volume Firebird based web site –

August 3rd 2006

Tech Solutions Inc., in a joint venture with Alesis Corporation, announce
the new audio media and Podcast hosting website built on the Firebird 1.5 SQL database

Huge success case using Firebird!

DBA Software, provider of manufacturing (MRP) solutions for small business, announced that its decision two years ago to base its flagship product, DBA Manufacturing Next-Generation, on the Firebird open-source SQL database has been an unqualified success.
“Our free single-user system, which anyone can download from our Website, is testimony to Firebird’s ease of installation,” continued Zumwalt. “Over the past 18 months, more than 10,000 companies have downloaded and successfully installed our manufacturing software without any support assistance.”

Read full article here.

VistaDB 3.0 – World’s First Fully Managed Embedded SQL Database

The SQL databases available for the .NET Framework today, including Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Everywhere, MySQL and Firebird are all based on unmanaged architectures. Therefore when developers create .NET Framework-based applications that embed any of these SQL databases today, the result is an unmanaged application that does not conform to Microsoft’s guidelines. VistaDB 3.0 changes this by enabling developers build fully managed .NET Framework-based SQL database applications that can run natively on desktops, mobile devices and web servers.

Full article here.

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