Status of the Firebird Tutorial for .NET

At the beginning of January I posted a Request for Ideas: Firebird in .NET Tutorial. First of all, thanks to all who contributed their ideas.

I’m currently working hard on the tutorial. The original idea was to write just a quick introduction but it seems there is a lot to tell… The weakest point of Firebird seems to be the lack of freely available documentation – so I decided to invest a little bit more time in the tutorial.


Sequoia 2.6: A Transparent Middleware Solution with firebird support

Sequoia is a transparent middleware solution for clustering, load balancing and failover services for any database. The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and Sequonia balances the queries among nodes. It is also known to handle node failures and support for checkpointing and hot recovery. It was formerly known as the clustered JDBC project and provides high availability and performance scalability for databases.

More about it on jax magazine

Playing with the Firebird Database – Blog of the day

In my last blog entry reguarding the rumored SunDB I immediately discounted the Firebird Database as a contender. In the comments posted to that entry it was suggested that Firebird shouldn’t be so quickly discarded and may even be a “diamond in the rough”. Well, if I’m wrong I’m willing to explore it and admit that I’m wrong if thats the case, afterall, what if Firebird really that great? I certainly don’t want to miss out on a good thing. So thanks to Gentoo I quickly emerged Firebird 1.5.2 and started playing.


Lazarus 0.9.12 released

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the 0.9.12 release. This release is based on fpc 2.0.2 and the binary packages now contain many standard packages:

This release can be downloaded from the sourceforge download page:

Detailed list of changes

Lazarus supports Firebird with SQLdb package that comes with the IDE
or third party components. I wrote about that in my blog
That is why I didn’t mentioned on firebirdnews again

Firebird 1.5.3 debian packages are available for testing

I’ve done preparing Firebird 1.5.3 packages.

deb[-src] sid main

All feedback is warmly welcome. If no problems are found, I’ll proceed with
upload to the archive.

Ah, also there you can find packages for flamerobin.

Damyan Ivanov
All you need to do is to add the above repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and then apt-get update ; apt-cache search firebird
then install what you need (classic or super server)

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