The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.10.

The Lazarus team is glad to announce the release of Lazarus 1.0.10.

This is a bug fix release, built with the current fpc 2.6.2.

Here is the list of changes for Lazarus and Free Pascal:

The release is available for download at SourceForge:

Choose your CPU, OS, distro and then the “Lazarus 1.0.10” directory.

Minimum requirements:
Windows:       98, 2k, XP, Vista, 7, 32 or 64bit
FreeBSD/Linux: gtk 2.8 or qt4.5, 32 or 64bit
Mac OS X:      10.5, LCL only 32bit, non LCL apps can be 64bit

Firebird Python driver FDB 1.4 is released with new features

FDB release 1.4 is out:

Here is the changelog and the list of bugs fixed

New Features:

* fdb.schema submodule extended with support for user privileges.


* method to load information about user from server.
* fdb.ibase content cleanup and additions.
* fdb.blr submodule with BLR definitions.

Bugs Fixed:

* PYFB-37 – Unicode Strings incorrect not allowed for insertion into BLOB SubType 1.

Django Firebird current status

Maximiliano Robaina announced django firebird driver status related to django 1.6 :

I’m pleased to announce that django-firebird with django 1.6 support is underway.

Django 1.6 is still in alpha state, so django-firebird 1.6 too.
Then, you can see the current status at the master branch . The master branch has the “in develop” version. If you need stable support (django 1.5) take a look at stable/1.5.x

What are the changes in database field?
The main changes is on transaction management and including BinaryField
Django 1.6 release notes

Protocol optimization (status update)

I got the following status update from Dmitry Yemanov, regarding the Firebird’s protocol enhancement task that is being sponsored by FDD:

I’m working on it from time to time. One of the TODO items is completed,
one more improvement came to mind and now it’s being tested. So it’s
surely will be available in FB3, at some point after Alpha 1 but before
Beta 1.

I think this is good news!

Firebird Python driver FDB 1.3 is released

FDB release 1.3 is out:

Here is the changelog and the list of bugs fixed

New Features

* fdb.monitor submodule for access to / work with monitoring tables.
* New fdb.Connection.monitor property for access to monitoring tables.


* closed property and clear() method for Schema.
* Unit tests reworked.

Bugs Fixed

* Unregistered: Bug in fdb.schema.Schema.close() and

Next version 1.4 will provide access to/work with privileges to database

best regards
Pavel Cisar

Database .NET 8.6 released

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