IBProvider v3.37


We made the next step for improving of our OLEDB/ADODB/.NET data provider for Firebird and InterBase.

Brief review of changes in new version:

  • Removed deprecated features
  • Improved steadiness to incorrect configuration of connection
  • Added a new feature for error processing [by customer request]

And, of course, new release has passed through load and functional tests. So it is ready for usage in production environment without any unpleasant surprises.

Full news text: http://www.ibprovider.com/eng/news/n_170210.html

Download page: http://www.ibprovider.com/eng/download.html

For getting a Free edition of provider need create an account at our web site: http://www.ibprovider.com/customer/register.php?lang=1

Work with Firebird from .NET applications.

Hi everyone!

We wrote the new small guide “Using «LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLE DB» with Firebird SQL Server” and offer you acquainted with technological capabilities of our .NET provider.

From this article you can learn, for example:

  • How to create multiple transactions within one connection
  • How to work with parameters in queries
  • How to execute SQL script

Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Release candidate 2 of .Net Provider for OleDb

Firebird driver become Ole Db .Net Provider

We are pleased to announce the second release candidate of our .NET Data Provider for interaction with Firebird and Interbase via IBProvider. By now, we have implemented all the functionality of System.Data.OleDb.

If you want to transfer your .NET projects for FB/IB to the new level of functionality and quality, we recommend you to start using «LCPI .NET Data Provider for OLE DB».

Just look of this DDEX screenshot:

You can get more screenshots and download Ole Db .Net Provider for access to any Interbase or any Firebird database from ADO.Net here: OleDb .Net driver for Firebird >>>

Update of .NET Provider for OLEDB. Support of schemas implemented.

We continue to develop our .NET Provider for OLEDB. In the new build (#1434), we have implemented the methods to obtain database metadata:

  • OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable
  • OleDbConnection.GetSchema


Supported schemas:

  • SchemaGuids
  • DbInfoKeywords
  • DbInfoLiterals
  • All schemas of the OLEDB Provider

Distinctions compared to standard OLEDB.NET Provider:

  • The SchemaGuids schema describes all schemas including SchemaGuids, DbInfoKeywords and DbInfoLiterals.
  • The SchemaGuids schema supports restrictions for the Schema column.


Supported schemas:

  • MetaDataCollections
  • Restrictions
  • DataTypes
  • ReservedWords
  • DataSourceInformation
  • CharacterSets
  • Collations
  • Tables
  • Views
  • Columns
  • Procedures
  • ProcedureParameters
  • ProcedureColumns
  • Indexes

Distinctions compared to standard OLEDB.NET Provider:

  • The MetaDataCollections schema supports restrictions for the column CollectionName.
  • The Restrictions schema supports restrictions for the columns CollectionName and RestrictionName.
  • More accurate population of the DataSourceInformation schema.
  • More accurate population of the Restrictions schema.

Implementation peculiarities

  • Caching of data from its own schemas (SchemaGuids, DbInfoKeywords, DbInfoLiterals, …).
  • Coherence of information from metadata schemas with the descriptions of the resulting rowset columns and command parameters (ensured by IBProvider).
  • Different algorithms of metadata loading for Interbase and Firebird. Including – our provider takes into account the version of the server and the version of database ODS (ensured by IBProvider).
  • Caching of OLEDB metadata schemas is carried out on the IBProvider level (see a property «schema_cache»).

Other changes

  • The OleDbSchemaGuid class added with the lists of known OLEDB schema identifiers.
  • The OleDbSchemaRestriction class added with the lists of restriction indexes for known OLEDB schemas.
  • The OleDbLiteral class added.
  • The OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames class added.
  • The number of tests and debug structures ensuring the correct work of components increased.

New examples

If you are interested in working with stored procedures grouped into PACKAGE, please take a look at the new example for our .NET Provider:

  • Creation and working with PACKAGE (C#, FB3)
  • IBProvider 3.13.3. First new year release and free access to LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB

    Firebird driver

    A half year before we product first release of LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB, which became powerful alternative of standard .Net OLE DB Provider and provide advanced opportunities for all Firebird and Interbase users in .Net Framework:

    • Automatic generation of command parameters which you do not need to enter manually anymore;
    • Named and unnamed parameters, also IN, OUT and IN-OUT parameters;
    • Connection pooling and SQL statement pooling which let your code run even faster;
    • Nested («nested_trans=true») and distributed (TransactionScope, EnlistTransaction) transactions;
    • All data types, including GUID, TIME (Dialect 3), DATE (Dialect 3) and multidimensional arrays;
    • The MARS technology which enables working simultaneously with several active DataReader objects;
    • And hey, ExecuteScalar now really loads one value only, not the entire record
    • Multiple parameter-containing commands in one statement (SQL scripts);

    Up to this day LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLEDB was available only in professional version of IBProvider but now you can download it on the download page together with first release of IBProvider in the new year:

    You cand download Firebird OLE DB Provider and ADO .Net Data Provider here.


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