IBProvider News. Visual Studio 2022 support

Hello Everyone!

64-bit Visual Studio 2022 is out today!

We couldn’t stay away from this epic release of Visual Studio and happy to provide support for this IDE from our components.

LCPI ADO.NET Provider for OLE DB v1.25.1

This release contains new DDEX providers for Visual Studio 2022.

We ported all DDEX providers, which were created for VS2019 and FW4.5.0/4.6.2/4.7.2/4.8.0, .NET Standard 2.0.

Moreover, we added DDEX provider for FW3.5.

All DDEX providers packaged into VSIX installers and automatically registering in VS2022.

Just remind, previous releases added the ADO.NET provider for NET6, which supports new system data types: DateOnly and TimeOnly.

IBProvider v5.24 and «LCPI OLE DB Services» v1.20

These releases added vc17 assemblies, compiled by a new studio C++ compiler.

Read more: https://www.ibprovider.com/eng/news/n_211108-vs2022.html

KR, IBProvider Team.

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