InstantObjects 2.0 beta 2 released

Nando Dessena is proud to announce the release of the second beta of the long-awaited version 2 of InstantObjects. Click here to download it.

Feedback: Please test this release and report back any problems in their newsgroups and trackers.

From the site: InstantObjects™ is the integrated framework for developing object-oriented business solutions in Borland Delphi™. The framework provides the foundation for the development process as well as the engine that powers the final application.

Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider 2.0 Beta 3 released

The Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider 2.0 Beta 3 for Microsoft.NET 2.0 is
available for download.

Download information can be found here:

(Please read the Changelog for details)

Bug Fixes:

– Fixed problem with the FbDataAdapter design time support.

– Fixed TableAdapter integration in Visual Studio 2005 now the
tableadapters should have select, insert, update and delete commands
when requested.

– Fixed bugs in Indexes and Index columns schemas.

Firebird administration tool for Linux

I just found an Open Source console application to administer IB/FB databases on linux. The features looks interesting:

  • Supports services api and local utils (gbak, gfix e.t.c. for classic architecture).
  • Script editor.
  • Data editor.
  • Grant manager.
  • Database Comparer.
  • Much more…

For more information and nice screenshots, look here.

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