Migration from SF Tracker to New Project JIRA Tracker is underway

In order to provide additional/much needed functionality to assist in
tracking project issues, the existing SF Trackers are being replaced
with a new tracker based on the JIRA product

The new tracker will be hosted on a new server (non-SF) and will be
using Firebird as the database engine.

To facilitate this migration, all of the SF Trackers have been closed.
Attempts to access the old trackers will likely result in a “500 –
Internal Server Error” browser error.

Once the migration it has been completed (in a couple of days), a
posting will be sent out providing the URL links for the new tracker

Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis and Pavel Cisar should be thanked for their
work on the configuration of the new server, the installation and
configuration/implementation of the new tracker and migration of the
existing case data.

Sean Leyne
Firebird Project Admin

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