Kinterbase 3.3 snapshots

You can read this thread about this release where Pavel Cisar explains his role for kinterbase project

The situation is that Firebird Project *has to* maintain KInterbasDB if nobody will continue it’s development. The responsibility for KInterbasDB in Firebird Project falls solely on me, as I have most experience with it among fb project members and it’s crucial part of our QA tool chain that I develop and maintain. However, first my primary assignment is Firebird QA, not KInterbasDB development, second I’m not a C developer (my C skills are rusty at best) although I’ll get support from fellow developers if necessary. So, our primary objective now is to maintain KInterbasDB as is to work with new FB releases and eventually provide 3.3 release with support for multiple transactions per connection (already implemented in snapshots). New features and development depends on my time constraints and would be definitely slower if it would fall only on me. Of course, it all could look quite differently if more developer would join the KInterbasDB development, but so far nobody expressed his/her interest to do so

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