Firebird 4 RC1

Firebird Project announces the first Release Candidate of Firebird 4.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing on Windows and Linux platforms.

This Release Candidate demonstrates the complete set of features and improvements developed for the new release. Release Candidates are generally considered stable enough and may be recommended for testing in “almost-production” environments. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Release Candidate.

Get USD 5 OFF in the Migration Guide to FB 3

Planning to move to Firebird 3 and still didn’t buy the Migration Guide to Firebird 3?

Here is your chance to buy the eBook with USD 5 discount, so the final price will be USD 11! The promotion is valid only for the eBook version (PDF) and will be active up to Aug, 21.

Hurry up, save some money and many hours of headache during your migration process!

Enter the coupon code FB3OFF5 in the order form to get your discount!

Obs: Most of the information in this guide can also be applied when moving to Firebird 4.

Firebird 3.0.6 is out

Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability of Firebird 3.0.6 — the 6th point release in the Firebird 3.0 series. 

This sub-release offers many bug fixes and also adds a few improvements, please refer to the Release Notes for the full list of changes.
Binary kits for Windows, Linux and Android platforms are immediately available for download, Mac OS packages will follow shortly.

Firebird discussion lists moving to GoogleGroups

Since Yahoo is slowly killing its discussion lists, some of the Firebird “official” discussion lists are being moved to GoogleGroups.

Firebird-support seems to be the first one:

Hello Firebird-support members,

The firebird-support list is moving to Google Groups. The new location is

Unfortunately we cannot migrate the current Yahoo! subscribers, and you will need to resubscribe yourself, in one of two ways:

(1) If you have a Google account, log in to Google, go to the group’s home page!forum/firebird-support;context-place=overview), Click the link labelled ‘Join this group’ and follow instructions there.

(2) Without a Google account, you can apply to join by emailing this address using the email account you want to use for communicating with the group:

You should receive a confirmation email. Respond as directed to complete. (this does not require a Google account).

For posting to the list you can use

Note, if you are subscribed to more than one Firebird-related Yahoo! group, your will need to go trough a similar process for each of your groups.

Helen Borrie for Firebird Project

Real world experience with FbNetExternalEngine performance and code structure

I’m now going through piece of SQL code that contains a lot of stored procedures from over the years and lately also functions (in last year the migration to Firebird 3 really began) and looking into the code to identify functions and procedures to start the rewriting with using FbNetExternalEngine. I’m at the beginning, but I have some interesting piece I’d like to show.

Read more.

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