Jaybird 3.0.0-alpha-1 release for testing

Jaybird 3.0.0-alpha-1 has been published for testing. We would really appreciate if you could start testing your applications with this version and provide feedback on stability and behavior, but also on the release notes.

Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailinglist or on the issue tracker http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/JDBC.

Jaybird 3.0 is a big change from Jaybird 2.2 and earlier. We have rewritten the entire low-level implementation to be able to support protocol improvements in newer Firebird versions, made changes with a stricter interpretation of the JDBC requirements, and removed some parts that were either obsolete or not functioning correctly.

We recommend that you do not consider Jaybird 3.0 a drop-in replacement for Jaybird 2.2, and study the release notes carefully.


Jaybird 3.0 Alpha 1 is available from Maven central:

Groupid: org.firebirdsql.jdbc,
Artifactid: jaybird-jdkXX (where XX is 17 or 18).
Version: 3.0.0-alpha-1

For example:


If your application is deployed to a Java EE application server, you will need to exclude the javax.resource:connector-api dependency, and add it as a provided dependency:


If you want to use Type 2 support (native, local or embedded), you need to explicitly include JNA 4.2.2 as a dependency:


FB/Java plugin

I’m pleased to release first test version of FB/Java, compatible with Firebird 3.0.0.


FB/Java is an External Engine plugin for Firebird that makes Firebird capable of run functions, procedures and triggers made in the Java platform.

It complements Jaybird making it interface with Firebird engine and handling the infrastructure necessary to support user routines.

It also has a client utility with functions to install and uninstall the plugin in a database and that users may use to deploy and undeploy Java classes and resources stored in JAR files to a database.

Bugs should be filed in the github project.

This test version uses a modified snapshot of Jaybird 3.0.

ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready

New version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready for download. As you can see the major version number changed.

This release contains two new big features, both focused on Firebird 3. The BOOLEAN datatype is now supported (except Entity Framework mapping, currently). And SRP authentication is supported on Firebird 3. I think these are the most fundamental new features so I’m releasing it now. There’s more to come.

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