Last week to subscribe to FDD paying less

For the Brazilians…

Essa é a última semana para se inscrever no Firebird Developers Day pagando menos! A grade de palestras já está fechada, confira agora mesmo no site e se inscreva!

Lembrando que na véspera do evento, teremos uma MasterClass sobre otimização de performance, com Dmitry Yemanov e Alexey Kovyazin. Confira as informações sobre a MasterClass e se inscreva aqui.

Third Russian Firebird Conference

3d Russian Firebird Conference will take place in Moscow, September 29, 2010. The conference will be devoted to the new versions of Firebird, as well as to Firebird best practices in maintenance and development, with special focus on big Firebird databases.

Special speakers at conference: Phillipe Makowski, President of Firebird Foundation, Firebird developers team: Dmitry Yemanov, Vlad Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff.

Registration (in Russian):