Citrix EdgeSight uses Firebird

Citrix® EdgeSight™ is a performance and availability management solution for XenDesktop, XenApp and endpoint systems. EdgeSight monitors applications, devices, sessions, license usage, and the network in real time, allowing users to quickly analyze, resolve, and proactively prevent problems.

In the EdgeSight support page, we can find the following:

The EdgeSight agent is continuously monitoring every process that is running on the monitored device. In turn, it is continuously writing performance data to its local Firebird SQL database.

So, one more big company using Firebird.

How many more are out there, and we still don’t know? 🙂

Firebird used in Citrix EdgeSight Database Agent Server

Quote from the Citrix blog also here is one KB article about Firebird configuration , of course there are more :
“I usually don’t get too excited about the release of a KB article, but this one took quite a bit of time and I’m very pleased we got this critical info back out there. If you’ve ever tried to implement EdgeSight or AppStreaming without excluding the Firebird database or RadeCache folders, you know how important these guidelines are.”

If you don’t know who Citrix is there is always wikipedia to help