RedDatabase 3.0.9 release

New version of RedDatabase 3.0.9 has been released.

The most significant changes are:


  • A “verbose” option has been added to the replication configuration to log detailed information about asynchronous replication operation. RS-70819.
  • LDAP error diagnostics have been improved.
  • The stability of gfix is improved. RS-71591.


  • DefaultDbCachePages default value increased to 1024 for Classic/SuperClassic and to 32768 for Super RS-69307
  • Now you do not have to specify option -B O[VERWRITE] in gbak when backing up to FIFO RS-43334
  • Temporary tables file is now deleted immediately after closing connections which used temporary tables RS-67781
  • Maximum length of ISQL error text increased to 8192 characters. RS-71232.
  • Default length of context variables is increased to 8192 characters. RS-71426.


  • Ability to connect to ActiveDirectory with an “as is” user name (bind method) without using a service account (LDAPUserDn). RS-71303.
  • New LDAPDomain parameter in firebird.conf that allows setting the domain for user authentication in ActiveDirectory and the base for user lookups. RS-71303.
  • GSTAT outputs the transaction difference, which determines whether garbage collection is needed RS-56624
  • “rotate_log” parameter in trace to rotate log when it reaches “max_log_size” RS-66090
  • Support for locking users in Legacy Authentication RS-67826 Note: security database update from previous versions 3.0 with security_database_3.0.9.sql script
  • Ability to change COLLATE for “ALTER TABLE <table> ALTER <column> COLLATE <collate>” field RS-67405
  • Different connections can now use different temporary table files to reduce their sprawl (SeparateTempTableFiles parameter in firebird.conf) RS-67781

FBJava has been updated to 1.1.18:

  • ASM library required for indexing files stored in BLOBs has been added to the distribution. RS-82611.
  • Jaybird driver updated to version 3.0.31. RS-74811.
  • Unused jna-platform-4.5.0.jar and xml-apis-1.0.b2.jar libraries were removed from the distribution. RS-74811.
  • Fixed passing an exception to the client when initializing the JVM
  • Debug symbols for FBJava have been added to the distribution. RS-71111.
  • Blank lines are not printed to stdout and stderr when it’s disabled by “disable_output” option RS-66433
  • The existence of configuration file is checked before reading options RS-67445
  • Remove libraries not used by plugin RS-68297

See full list of changes on the download pages:

Open edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9

Standard edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9

Enterprise edition: RedDatabase 3.0.9


New version of RedExpert 2021.10 is available


  1. Autocomplete in query editor (not all tables were displayed in the list)
  2. Syntax highlighting
  3. Wrong table name after editing the trigger
  4. Hiding system packages for version prior to 3
  5. Connection cancellation
  6. Displaying an error while fetching ResultSet
  7. Parsing errors in the trace manager
  8. Slow work of the grant manager
  9. Inability to undo domain selection
  10. Inability to add a column to a table if cursor is outside the fields area (while table creating).
  11. Reloading objects in the tree after changing
  12. Jump to an object from the dependency tree
  13. Formatting of generated SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE queries


  1. A name of constrained is generated immediately when the form is opened


  1. Display foreign key data while editing a table
  2. Context menu in “Set NULL” table
  3. A tab with object privileges
  4. System generators in the object tree
  5. Updating objects when they are changed in the query editor
  6. An update button for system tables

Download and install the new version.

New version of red expert 2021.07 has been released

New version of RedExpert 2021.07 is available.


  1. Data type selection is implemented as a drop-down list
  2. While deleting the records marked for deletion are highlighted immediately
  3. Fixed the message about unsuccessful DDL operations
  4. Now it’s allowed to display unreadable characters in text blobs
  5. Fixed editing of the function
  6. Fixed SSH tunnel connection
  7. Stopped using template when creating tables
  8. Fixed column editing (when clicking on a column a new one was created)
  9. Fixed errors on the SQL tab of a domain
  10. Non-empty nodes in the tab with dependencies are highlighted in bold
  11. Fixed parsing variables in procedures (invalid parsing generated an incorrect SQL request for procedure creation)
  12. Packages not created by users were moved to the system packages branch
  13. Fixed connection to RedDatabase and Firebird versions 4+


  1. Now the database information is displayed by clicking the appropriate context menu item (not by selecting a database in the list)
  2. Significantly reduced time of loading scripts by reworking the syntax highlighting using ANTLR
  3. Autocompletion added to all textbars that use SQL
  4. Jump to database objects added to all text panels that use SQL
  5. Added “Users” node to the objects tree
  6. Added Jaybird4 driver

Download and install the new version.

Django 2.2 driver for Firebird 3

RED SOFT has added support of Firebird 3 into the Django 2.2 framework.

RED SOFT developer Vasily Yashkov made a pull request which recently has been accepted. Find details and main changes here.

The new version of the driver was successfully tested with Django 2.2.10/2.2.11 and Firebird 3/RedDatabase 3.

If you use Django with Firebird 2.5 or less please try to migrate your database to Firebird 3.0 and test new version of the driver. Now you can install it manually as described in the instruction but follow the news and wait the next release soon.

RedExpert: free open source tool for Firebird administration from RedSoft

RedSoft, Platinum Sponsor of Firebird Foundation and contributor of Firebird Project development, has introduced the new major version of the free open-source multi-platform tool for administration and development of Firebird databases: RedExpert v2020.04.1.

The new version introduces:a test data generator, database object dependencies, and many other improvements and bug fixes.
Download here RedExpert installation and binaries.

Join RedExpert development
If you like RedExpert as a tool and as an idea of a free multi-platform high-quality tool for Firebird, and if you have experience as a Java developer or tester, or simply as advanced Firebird user, please join the development effort: RedExpert sources are available in GitHub, please submit your pull-requests there, and send your feedback, bug reports, suggestions, etc to Issues section on GitHub.