Firebird2.5 SuperClassic in debian – soon

Damyan asked if we can simplify the packages for firebird 2.5 and
by dropping the old classic support and pushing the super and super-classic

Here is my response:

The best pictures with what arhitecture to choose from and
where to use them

Is better to be safe creating an new package is easy for super-classic

I  proposed to stay the old way and provide all packages

If the user wants the new superclassic then he can install it

Vlad reply:

And he is wrong – page cache is not shared on SuperClassic

Roman replied :

Classic has one nice property for hosting providers – when somebody use
a buggy UDF, only his process dies, others remain intact.

Also, I’m pretty sure that it is currently not possible, but should be
possible to do in the future, is that we could make the process to run
with the SID of the logged in user (when the PAM authentication is

Adriano replied:

Super-classic and Classic will use the same binaries in Linux. But
startup is different.

At the End we all agreed that it’s easier to create an new package for firebird 2.5 named superclassic

Damyan response and final statement:

Thanks for reminding me each architecture’s advantage:

  • classic: full SMP, isolated connections
  • super: shared cache
  • superclassic: full SMP with low OS resource usage

I wanted to provide just one server package for Debian as
I (mistakenly) thought that superclassic uses shared cache too and
didn’t value the isolated connections that much. You do write bug-free
code, right? 😉

Thanks to your comments, instead of cutting, I’ll add a -superclassic
package so that the user can have the final choice.

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