Firebird used in Citrix EdgeSight Database Agent Server

Quote from the Citrix blog also here is one KB article about Firebird configuration , of course there are more :
“I usually don’t get too excited about the release of a KB article, but this one took quite a bit of time and I’m very pleased we got this critical info back out there. If you’ve ever tried to implement EdgeSight or AppStreaming without excluding the Firebird database or RadeCache folders, you know how important these guidelines are.”

If you don’t know who Citrix is there is always wikipedia to help

Success story : After NT4 death , firebird db started on another server

After the untimely demise of the NT server, I had to move the databases and the firebird server to a different computer. I had tried to do this before in December but was unable to connect from other computers on the network.

This time around, I noticed that I was getting a strange error message about temporary files; it turns out that the temporary file directory had been set to a directory which doesn’t exist. But more importantly, I still couldn’t get any computer to connect to the databases.

Read more on the blog (and the solution) Goes Bitweaver and Firebird

Meta has finally converted to Bitweaver and Firebird for website CMS and datastore respectively.
meta has used Joomla for several years to deliver corporate website information and client access to private areas and downloads. But finally Bitweaver has delivered a comprehensive CMS and web application framework backed by Firebird. We regard this as a major advancement in support of Firebird, Bitweaver and the opensource software movement.

Image + Image = Image

Read more of my journey here Firebird Bitweaver Windows and PHP
And find out some of the website feature which can make your use of this resource more appealing


Firebird used on a site with 1 Million users / day

Q:What kind of system is this? .The response is on Firebird-support

Monitoring software with also web access by many many users ~1 000 000
They do something which need transaction and some select(reports) which “not need” transaction
but in transactional database select also start short transaction then i can not remove it creation..
1 000 0000 x 10 queries per day i got 10 000 000 transaction+ system self generate 8 000 000 transaction per day (to
storing/updating/computing.. data)
and Forced Writes are ON but database work on some not mechanical device like normal HDD and corruption is reduced to minimal possible but this transaction counter do may problem :/

Karol Bieniaszewski

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