Firebird mentioned in “Semanário Econômico” article

“Semanário Económico” – the best Economic Newsweek in Portugal – gives a special mention to Akropole, a software dedicated to Schools. Akropole runs on Firebird, and it’s clearly mentioned. A full copy of the article (portuguese only) is available here.

PS: On the same article (if you know portuguese and dig it a little), you will notice that the Most Productive ( profits / number of employees) company in Portugal in 2004 works with an ERP system… powered by Firebird! 🙂

Compiere to try Derby

Compiere will try to port its ERP suite to Derby. Currently database choice is limited to Oracle and Fyracle (Oracle-mode Firebird). Earlier attempts to port to Postgres and Sybase were effectively abandoned. It will be interesting to see if Derby joins the list of working ports towards the end of this year.

Read more here

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