Conversation with Jim Starkey at a future mysql meetup

I finally bumped into Jim this morning at the MySQL UC and had a chance to talk with him. The initial conversation was about the meetup, which he gracefully agreed to come to sometime this summer (July/August). Beyond that was a great conversation about where MySQL is now, where Falcon fits in, and some of Jim’s ideas about a variety of things including DBAs, stored procedures, data types, and the SQL standard. He’s got some refreshing views on database technology and is an enjoyable person to talk with. This interview from 2003 captures a bit of Jim’s approach to database problems.

if you can’t connect to localhost with firebird2 rc1

Problem is the installer for firebird 2.0 rc1 currently changes permissions on /etc/services file to 600 and permisions need to be 644.

This has been posted on Firebird Devel List and is patched.
I will repost it here so others have less problems finding it.

REPOST FROM Firebird Devel List

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