Firebird 2.5.2 svn snapshot 53775 landed in Debian testing

firebird2.5 (2.5.2~svn+53775.ds4-1) package is now in debian testing
You can check the list of bugs fixed for firebird 2.5.2 (not yet released) in the tracker

Here is the list of debian changes and fixes

* Snapshot from upstream’s 2.5 branch, revision 53775
* control: note -doc doesn’t contain release notes (LP#908963)
* control: change transitional 2.5-dev package to oldlibs/extra
* control: -common package is arch:all
the last arch-specific bit, ibutil was moved to -server-common
* -classic.init: provide a status option
* control: 2.5-dev, -classic-common: depend on the same (source) version of

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