Firebird-Mezzanine = Firebird and Django’s WordPress alternative : Mezzanine

Here are my install instructions on Ubuntu/Debian for Mezzanine CMS
First install Firebird 2.5.2 , Then install django and fdb driver
sudo pip install django
sudo pip install fdb
sudo pip install mezzanine
Install django-firebird driver like is described on the github page
Create new mezzanine project:
mezzanine-project firebird-mezzanine
cd firebird-mezzanine
create empty database from isql-fb / flamerobin
SQL> create database “localhost:/var/lib/firebird/2.5/data/firebird-mezzanine.fdb” user ‘SYSDBA’ password ‘masterkey’;
SQL> quit;
create local config for firebird
python createdb
python runserver
look at the first results after the wordpress import (i was so impressed that i have removed the old account)
next step : blogspot import is in progress
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